Tuesday, 18 April 2017

The perils of an online presence

I write this partly as an apology to the kind souls who, from time to time, respond to my posts here. Up to now I have always been happy to allow "comments" without feeling the need to moderate them. Sadly, last night, this changed. I was on the receiving end of two particularly unpleasant comments here which, once I saw them, I immediately deleted. I am in absolutely no doubt as to who sent them and they were clearly a reaction to this recent post. If you have time, you may wish to read the numerous comments there. I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions.

I have, therefore, reluctantly decided to moderate all comments from now on. As ever, I'm grateful for interaction and, given evidence of courtesy, am happy to post some which may include disagreement with my views. As you will see, you may still comment but it will take a little time for me to view them via email before I choose to allow them to appear. I remain optimistic and trust that disallowing will apply rarely.

In addition to this, and as a result of the above abuse, Chrissie has decided to lock her Twitter account this morning. I haven't yet taken this action. It's clear to us both that, despite being blocked, the individual concerned is taking a perverse pleasure in watching our Twitter accounts by covert means. So be it. It must be a forlorn way to lead one's life. It's particularly sad though that this all refers back to Chrissie's selfless response to a plea for help, online, some four years ago. We have both been named recently in one particular place online, as guilty parties in that individual's own version of the events all those years ago. This may be libelous and two thoughts have been on my mind recently. The first is to take legal advice around libel and the second is the exact and accurate recounting of those events in my own words on here. In fact, I would prefer to do neither, but I'm sure many of you will understand my feelings.

Thanks to all of you out there in the ether for bothering to read my bletherings. Your input is appreciated and, usually, enjoyed. Chrissie and I have both made many interesting and pleasant contacts online in recent years. Some of you out there we are pleased to count as good friends. We thank you. You know who you are. The fact remains that the positive experiences far outweigh the negative.

I wish you all well and look forward to more helpful, interesting and pleasant interactions both online and, indeed, out in the real world. Yes, it does still exist.

And Islay and Pebbles send you ALL big sloppy kisses.



  1. We need to face it, Geoff. There are some pathetic people out there. And that's pathetic in all senses of the words. Also, I think that most decent people are always most suspicious when criticisms or jibes are sent anonymously and they loose credibility when they are posted in that fashion.

    1. You're right as ever my friend. Strange isn't it, how people can't see how transparent an anonymous criticism is?

  2. Saddened to hear that Geoff. There are some very sick folk out there. by the sounds of it someone in need of psychiatric help. Perverse, twisted, are words that spring to mind. Certainly this is a person whose life is detached from reality. Hope your trip goes well Geoff. Wish you all well.

    1. Thanks for you support which is always there, quietly in the background Dawn. Off we go...North!

  3. Hi Geoff

    I've only just come across this tale of woe. Truly sad that certain individuals have forced you into this action and worse that they have upset Chrissie into the bargain. I guess this is a price to pay for the advent of social media that gives these people an "audience" - doesn't make it right though.

    I've been lucky that this has never happened to me. I occasionally get asked for "advice" and am always happy to share my experience and have always had a good response. When I started my blog it was my hope that anyone reading it might pick up a few bits of useful information, that I was in some way returning the favour as it were. I gain much of my ideas for stuff do from reading other blogs and I do feel part of a community of bloggers who share my love of the outdoors and whose exploits I always look forward to reading about. My own blog is my personal diary but the hope is that people either enjoy my writings (unlikely though that seems!) or maybe think "that looked like a nice walk, I might give that a go" or such like

    Like everyone else has said I don't profess to be an expert and I think that perhaps key difference is between sharing experience and giving "advice". As I said it just seems so terribly sad that individuals abuse the virtual trust that exists online.

    My wife is a member of FB page about the Brecon Beacons and I refused to join after reading some of the "advice" given, some of it laughable (one guy clearly trying to look hard, telling people how he usually carries a 15kg pack on a day walk!)

    Anyway, hope everything works out for you and that you keep posting. Always enjoy reading yours and Chrissie's outings and especially the dog antics - keeps reminding me I should step back to having a doggie walking companion :)

    All the best, Andy

    1. Thanks fir visiting and taking the trouble to comment Andy. You make some very interesting points and we both appreciate your support.

  4. I always leave the comments up, unless they are those silly bot scam ones. But then I think those folk should be shamed. On the other hand, I can quite understand why you want to moderate stuff. I always do now.

    1. Yes, I understand that, which is why I left first comment but others went too far. Thanks for support Andy. Have a good Challenge.

  5. Had similar experience,after taking someone out ont hill..which turned weird too...nowt as strange as folk eh ? Anyway crack on with life and catch you both again soon....

    1. Cheers Pete. Hope to have a night with you sometime late June or July.

  6. There are some sick and sad individuals out there Geoff. I won't post what I really think of them as it would be unpostable. (If that is indeed a word). I look forward to your blogs when I get the time to read them. All I can say is that there are a whole load of us who appreciate the time and effort you and Chrissie put into your blogs. Keep them coming and feck the brain dead.

    1. Thanks for those very kind comments Andy and yeah, unpostable is definitely a word, cos I just said so ๐Ÿ˜‰
      You made me smile pal ๐Ÿ‘

    2. No worries mucker. Onwards and upwards.๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜

  7. Hi Geoff and Chrissie. Just caught up on the antics of Bert and this post and the goings on of the past few days.
    I am glad for the internet and social media as I would never have come across you both as you don't frequent my local pub. Sadly, just like the clientele of anyone's local, the internet has their share of nutters, wasters and disingenuous people. I enjoy the ramblings you both blog, the adventures you have and the soppy dog pics you post. Keep it together, stay you and stay safe. May not agree with everything you say but you are my kind of people. Rx

    1. Hi and thanks for visiting. We both really appreciate comments like those. Just the antidote we needed today. Thank you very much.

  8. Very sorry to hear of the unpleasantness but you are right to make the best possible record of events. These days, if it isn't written down, it hasn't happened.

    John D

    1. Thanks for visiting John and the supportive comment.

  9. Some people shouldn't be allowed the internet Geoff. Very sad people

  10. Hi Geoff - I've been following your blog, and Chrissie's, for a long time; never commented before, not least because I tend (perhaps wisely...) to keep a low online profile. As an inexpert (and always will be) backpacker, I've been inspired and entertained by your and Chrissie's stories and like R above, really like how the internet has made that possible. I'd miss you if you weren't here. I hope the comments here and on Twitter are demonstrating how many people value the time and effort you both put in to sharing your experiences and giving us all pleasure.

    Keep on walking the walk.


    1. Many thanks for those very sweet comments Elise. Very much appreciated.

  11. I thought for aa mo you'd written "beryls"...but that would be bizarre, innit? I always check comments before publication, mainly to weed out Chinese dishcloth manufacturers and so on... links y'see. I've not yet had any proper abuse. I'm quite looking forward to receiving some though so I can rip 'em to bits...

    1. I'll see what I can arrange pal. See ya in Shiel Bridge ๐Ÿ‘

  12. Hi Geoff.

    As I had posted on your previous post's comment thread and had ticked the "send me the comments" box, I received via email the two incredibly nasty comments you have mentioned.

    Keep a copy of them, and if anything were ever, God forbid, to transpire, I would involve the police.

    Since my transplant almost four years ago now, I have halved my blogging efforts but still hugely enjoy reading the better blogs. Yours and Chrissie's are right up there. Ta to you both for making the not inconsiderable effort in keeping them going.

    Never one to flinch from controversy or tackling twats head on, I moderate my comment threads, but rarely have to disallow comments. Twats have an uncanny knack of showing themselves for what they are, so I publish them gleefully.

    However, implied threats are quite something else.

    Good luck in Sutherland and very good luck to Chrissie on her Challenge.


    1. Alan, thanks for commenting and your exceedingly kind praise. We have copies of everything that individual has produced around this sorry subject.
      And good luck on your umpteenth Challenge dear sir. It's possible I may see you along the way.
      Oh and don't let David bully you...He can be such a bully ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜Š

  13. How sad. I actually feel sorry for such pathetic people, that they can be so blinkered and self-absorbed that they believe their opinion matters any more than anyone elses. I'm just glad it doesn't appear to be perturbing you or Chrissie enough to stop your Social Media interaction altogether as I do enjoy reading of both of your adventures ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Don't let the b@£$+@€s grind you down, Geoff!

    1. Cheers Elton. Thanks for those comments and your support. Good luck on the Challenge pal.

  14. Morning Geoff, up until recently I have to confess to having mostly been a lurker at yours and Chrissie's lovely blogs. Despite living on the edge of the Lake District my own walking is decidedly of the parochial and bimbling variety compared to yours, but I've always thoroughly enjoyed your posts. They inspire me to what I might do at some point in the future . . . so please don't let numpty-heads spoil blogland for you, and please don't stop posting. ๐Ÿ™‚

    The world has always been full of idiots, nutters, miserable gits and very sad folk but an unfortunate side-effect of our digital age is the ability such people now have to spread their misery far and wide. Many decades ago I was bullied at school in an age where nothing was done to stop it, apart from being told “stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”. Which is total b*llox because words can be vicious and powerful in the extreme, so you may well want to keep a record of what is happening to you both, because eventually the law will catch up with technology . . . one hopes.

    A (still) deeply sleeping & elderly Daisy sort of grunts “good morning” to your two energetic youngsters! ๐Ÿพ ๐Ÿถ

    1. Thanks for visiting and your kind comments Jayne. Your bullying analogy is interesting cos in a way this person IS bullying us. But they won't succeed.
      The pups send happy licks to Daisy. Thank you so much.

  15. It's a real shame that Beryl is still at it Geoff, you would hope that after all this time has passed that they would have moved on. In some ways I feel a bit sorry for her as there is clearly some form of a mental illness going on. Anyway keep up the good work and love to you and Chrissie and the beasts.

    1. Yes. Can't imagine what brought on this latest outburst but if they read this they can be assured further such silliness will be ignored. Cheers mate. Hope to see you in/near Ullapool.

  16. Thing is, the outdoor blogging community consists (my experience at least) mostly of pretty decent sorts; actually, overwhelmingly decent sorts. Unfortunately it only takes one [*] to cause a disproportionate amount of problems.

    [*] Thought it best not to risk further inflaming things by using any of the words which sprang to mind.

  17. Cheers Dave. Thanks for visiting and well done for keeping the comments civilised.


Comments are always welcome but please be patient. Thanks to recent rudeness on here I have reinstated moderation. Hence, your comments will appear after I've approved them. Thanks for taking the trouble to visit my blog.