Friday, 5 January 2018

A review of my 2017 in the outdoors

We're just back from a week in the van in Bellingham, near Kielder with James, hence the slightly belated review of what I got up to in t'big wild outdoors in 2017.

In January we spent a week in Moffat in the van, during which me an' Choccy Paws spent a misty, moisty night on Swatte Fell.

February came with me and my pal Chris spending a wintery night on the slopes of Carnedd Llewellyn.

In March, David, Islay I had a cold camp on Kinder...

...whilst April and May saw us in the Highlands again. Me and Islay had a coupla nights out despite aborting the Sutherland way...

...and...oh yes...someone completed her first TGO Challenge...solo. I love her.

I joined Matthew for a quick overnight close to home in June.

Chrissie and I were Arctic bound again in August, to Sarek National Park in northern Sweden, for our big trip of the year.

Back in the UK, in September I enjoyed a superb tour of the Lakes with David.

October brought a camp on Great Shunner Fell from the van in Hawes.

November came with a very wild, snowy camp on Bleaklow with Chris again.

Finally, December found me on Kinder with James, chasing ghosts.

Once again, I seem to have managed to wild camp every month 'cept July. Quite why, I'm not sure. I suspect we were too busy prepping for Sarek. Never mind.

Of course, I couldn't let this review go without mention of the newly arrived family member. Noah was born on the 28th November. First child of my daughter and son in law, Abi and Dave, he's also our first grandchild. We were really thrilled to meet him. I wish him a life full of love and fun. Right now his main hobbies are sleeping and eating.

So there it is. Another year ticked off, filled with adventures.

This year, my major focus is a 1000 mile cycle camping tour across France in June/July but there'll be lots more going on too I suspect.

Happy new year to all of you out there. I wish you a year filled with fun, love and peace.



  1. Congratulations on a great year - there does seem to be snow in a large number of the pictures ☃️

    Dare I ask how long before you are scheming to take Noah on a wild camp 🏕 🙂

    1. You're right. At least four nights in snow. I'm braver these days about being out in the cold.
      And Noah? Maybe not this year 😂
      Best wishes Jayne.

  2. Brilliant stuff Geoff, well done. You got some lovely photos too.

  3. Replies
    1. Yep. Pretty good, occasionally aided by you...thanks.

  4. Another excellent year of adventures Geoff. Looking forward to your 2018 challenges. Wishing you, Chrissie and all the family a very happy new year. Take care mate.

    1. Cheers Andy. All the best you and yours too pal.

  5. I should follow your lead and camp out more! Happy New Year to you Chrissie and the pups :)

    1. You're welcome to join me Andy and thanks. All the best to you and yours.

  6. That's a fine 2017.....2018 will be even better!


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