Friday, 6 September 2013

Summer 2013, Jura and Vosges, eastern France pt 1

Our summer trip for 2013 saw us travelling across la belle France to her eastern extremities; the Jura, where she cosies up to the Swiss border and the Vosges, where she rubs shoulders (in a slightly suggestive way) with Germany.

We trundled down in temperatures above 30C, with only the threat of an occasional storm for relief;

... towards Giverny, once home to Claude Monet, before accepting it was just too hot for the pooches so, hitting the autoroute, we zipped across to higher altitudes in the hope of, at least, cooler nights and mornings - and it worked.

We spent 5 days or so on a campsite at Saint Point Lac where we wandered long forest trails in the cool of the morning then relaxed in the shade of our van's invaluable awning during hot afternoons.

We found an excellent walking guide and, choosing walks we fancied we meandered around the area stopping for a couple of nights here ... then a couple there ... travelling maybe 15 or 20 miles between stops. Very relaxing.


We didn't do anything remotely exciting, being content in simply absorbing the peace, tranquillity and beauty of our surroundings.


It was blissful!
More to come, later.

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