Tuesday, 20 May 2014

The cycling bug bites deeper

About 10 days ago I joined a cycling forum: Cycle Chat. Up to then I'd been quite happy pootling about on my mountain bike and my conservative little tourer. Now, I've joined the dark side!

Less than a week after joining the forum it was our anniversary. 
Having exchanged cards over breakfast I said to Chrissie,
"I need a road bike."
"Cos Cycle Chat says so."
"Oh ... well, you'd better get one then."
Kiss X
So, off I went to Decathlon in Stockport.
"Got one o' them there Triban 500 thingys?"
"They're not released yet sir."
"But they're on t'internet site."
"Well what about a Triban 5 then?"
"Not in your size sir."
"Well what have you got in my size?"
"Just these white Triban 3s."

I didn't want a white Triban 3.

So I set off home, disgruntled. But, on the way, I called into a local bike shop. And after two hours ... I came out with this.

It's a Cube Peloton Pro Triple. Last year's model, but an absolute bargain (honestly darling xxx).

That was just four days ago ... and I'm hooked. The thing positively flies up hills, so little is its weight. I feel like Bradley Wiggins ('cept about 30 years older, Geoff!).

Anyway ... I blame it on Cycle Chat.

And yes, I have got lycra to go with it and no ... I'm not shavin' me legs!


  1. Aye, Cycle Chat's got a lot to answer for......... :-)

  2. So true, so true.
    Thanks for visiting.


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